Monday, February 15, 2016

Station Interior

For those of you that think we are living in tents or igloos. The station has everything one needs to survive and thrive in an environment not very friendly to humans.

Yes, it is currently -76.9 F with windchill and we do go outdoors, but when we get back to the comfort and safety of the station we get out of our gear and enjoy some sense of normalcy with surroundings that almost let you forget that you are in one of the most dangerous environments on earth. 

In the galley you can find some of the hardest working folks on the continent serving up three meals a day and more.

This area is the "town square" where you can find someone hanging out, having a snack, hot beverage or just chatting at just about any time, day or night (it's 24hr daylight right now)

Once you have had your fill (or before) you can get your workout on at the gym or the basketball court. Yes, we have an indoor court.

The indoor court is used for a variety of activities like morning stretching, as a movie theater (see the screen on the back wall?) and sometimes as emergency overflow sleeping (see the mattresses in the corner?). Oh yeah, and basketball too.

If you are musically inclined there are a variety of instruments to pick from and sometimes bands form with excellent results. Who knows? I might learn to play the guitar here.

Next Post? Station Interior Part 2


  1. Looks like they have plenty things to keep you occupied. But I have to say, you missed a great Walking Dead episode on Sunday!

  2. LOL Thanks Steve! I'll have a lot of catching up to do when I get back.
