Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Station Interior Part 3

Yeah, It's getting a bit chilly! From here on out I will post the day's weather and a picture of the sun as it spirals downward ever so close to the horizon. It is currently five degrees above the horizon.

Well, we are running out of fresh fruits and vegetables. Before long the only "fresh" produce we will see will come from the station green house. We get lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs and more from it. Enough to get a taste of what is typically taken for granted back home.

Daily the grow lights are turned on and they are bright. So bright that sunglasses are nice to have if in there for long. Every Sunday morning I sit in the greenhouse lounge for about an hour, reading and listening to bird song. Yup, I brought a selection of nature sounds with me since I knew there would be things I would not hear for a while. I'm glad I did. The space is very humid and smells of plants. A nice reminder of home and very relaxing.

Some have asked about my living quarters. I will say that at 8' X 10' they are very cozy and warm, affording me plenty of storage, a nice desk and a comfortable bed.

No, there is no window. I have an interior room. At first I thought that a window would be nice but hear that those rooms are much colder, have a lot of light coming in making it harder to sleep and soon there will be nothing to see for a long time once the sun sets. I also brought a lot of pictures of landscapes that I put up on my secondary monitor creating my own little window onto the rest of the world.

Next Post? Station Interior Part 4 - Inside the Arches and Under the Ice


  1. I see some "creature comforts." What are some of the little things you brought along to make things more comfy?
    Also that sun photo is awesome! Just sayin'.
