Monday, February 22, 2016

Last Flight

The last NSF flight left on Tuesday the 16th of February, taking with it the last of the station summer crew. We are now 48 on station and we will not see another flight until October (at the earliest). Seeing that last flight leave was a mixed bag of emotions. Being cut off from the rest of the world except for satellite communications is a feeling that I have not experienced before. Someone commented that in the event of an emergency the crew of the ISS would get to earth quicker than we could get off the continent. Scott Kelly ain't got nothing on us! Well, maybe a better view and zero G :)

The C-130 getting ready to taxi.

Setting up on the slip'n slide for takeoff.

Once in the air the plane turned around for the traditional flyby, buzzing the station and banking north (really) towards McMurdo Station.

It was very thrilling to see, hear and feel the plane as it maneuvered over our heads.

In a few weeks the station population went from 157 to 48. Now we settle in to our work routines and get the station ready for the long night ahead. Yes, we are here to work and we are fortunate to have a stellar crew. 

Almost forgot....We all gathered to watch all three "The Thing" movies after the last flight. Another Pole tradition. Later in the winter we will be watching "The Shining".  Don't ask :)

Next Post? Back to regularly scheduled programming.